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Pastor Sogie is dynamically used by God in the  teaching/deliverance ministry. She is an anointed worship leader and carries the same prayer mantle anointing that rests upon her husband (Pastor Keith Banks-Obanor). After she lost both parents by the age of 17 and with a Muslim background, she was left to wonder what next;  In the summer of 1992 while on college vacation, God saved her during one of the services at the Church of God Mission International. On returning back to college for the next academic year, Pastor Sogie did not only return for studies but she returned with a passion to take over her campus for the Lord.

God began to do great miracles through her prayer meetings which she held daily on campus and news soon spread abroad about what God was doing through this orphaned girl running with a passion for the things of God’s kingdom. God used her powerfully in the music/outreach ministry to bring deliverance and salvation to many who were bound both on campus and in the city where she lived. She held weekly meetings at her home in Benin City, Nigeria where the ministry of deliverance was always in operation for as many that attended who were bound by witchcraft, water spirits and all forms of demonic strongholds. She got her ministerial training from Loveworld Ministerial College Lagos, Nigeria. She read Secretarial Administration at the Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Nigeria. She is a system software specialist; She is a prolific teacher of biblical truth. She was ordained as a pastor in 2004.

Pastor Sogie is the Senior Pastor & First Lady of Victory World Outreach Church Int’l Canton Ma; a loving & faithful wife and a mother of three lovely children Charisma, Sharon and Joey.


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